Thursday, March 26, 2009

Off Topic: Tips for Servers

Some data on what impacts servers' tips from Remember the old axiom: for every dollar you give away you'll make 10, for every dollar your steal you'll lose 100.

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this posted by David August at 4:19 PM - 0 comments -  

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Actors and Big Media

The issue is Fox TV's recent announcement that they plan to do away with re-runs and simply place their content on the web for a 'second run.'
The reasoning behind this decision is that putting product on the internet is a way (if they win the fight with the unions) that production companies can avoid paying actors residuals.
No matter how we feel, the die is cast. They are in the 'cut expenses or die' mode - and their main strategy is 'union busting.'
Here's my solution: Let’s get busy making our own stuff.
The big boys have only recently discovered the web - and they think it works just like the old media - they'll simply be able to control it as they have with TV, film, etc.
Those of us who use the web every day, know better

(from The Show Biz). You can read some of my thoughts on how to make and distribute video online or contact me if you need help on a project.

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this posted by David August at 9:51 PM - 1 comments -  

Friday, March 06, 2009

Actors on Twitter Connect with Fans

For the most part, glam - not geek - still rules show business. Twitter is on the front edge of Internet innovation that's starting to change that. It allows users to send blurbs of as many as 140 characters to everyone in their network via text messages or the Web, and to sign up to follow people who interest them

Los Angeles Times). You can follow me on Twitter.


this posted by David August at 1:29 PM - 0 comments -  

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Activists To Protest Fox Wednesday

The rally is 11AM to 2PM at Fox Studios at 10201 Pico Blvd. (Unvalidated free parking across the street at Rancho Park.) Peter Chernin, CEO of Fox, has stated that there will be no reruns on Fox network and all programs will go directly to streaming on the Internet, eliminating our residuals and contributions to health coverage and pensions

(from Nikki Finke's Deadline Hollywood Daily). Actors must have residuals in new media to make a living.

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this posted by David August at 6:30 PM - 0 comments -