Monday, March 07, 2005

The Balance of Finances and Acting:
One strategy is to turn your day job into something that is rewarding, both creatively and financially. That's what David Grae did. A writer for the television show Joan of Arcadia in Los Angeles, Mr. Grae, now 37, spent much of his early twenties trying to figure out how to make it as a comic writer and actor in New York. At first, he was neither acting nor writing, but struggling to make rent, while working as a bike messenger and other jobs he describes as random. But he wasn't happy. I felt that I needed a day job - I didn't want to wait tables, he says.
Eventually, he co-founded Gotham Writers' Workshop, an organization that offers creative writing courses for adults, and found that owning his own business was a good way to make ends meet - without giving up on his dream. These days, he isn't involved in the day-to-day running of the business, but income from it was crucial to carrying him through his first few years in Los Angeles, before he secured a writing job.

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