Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Yale Censors Weapons from Student Productions
He was stabbed on the steps of the Forum(from Frizbane Manley's comment on the insidehighered.com news story about Yale censoring weapons from student productions). You can email Betty Trachtenberg, the Dean Student Affairs, what you think about this.
Even though there wasn’t a quorum;
But to stage it at Yale
Will land you in jail.
"Et tu Eli!" ... you'll bore-em.
Labels: trends
Friday, April 20, 2007
Principal vs. Principle
When you're talking about your role in a project or the onset of filming your project, you mean "principal," as that's the only option that can *be* an adjective, and that's what you're listing on a resumé in the billing column: the type of role (principal, supporting, featured; recurring, guest-star, co-star); or in your blurb about starting the main part of your work
(from Bonnie Gillespie).
Labels: Bonnie Gillespie, submissions
Free Performance Space in Hollywood
I am now helping book some nights at The Tre Stage in Hollywood for improv/sketch shows and the like.
It's a small black box theater on La Brea just north of Sunset. You have to supply your own audience. (It is one of two theaters actually, the Next Stage & The Tre Stage.)
The beauty of it, is it is FREE. You will not be charged for the space at any time. You simply have to give the money you make at the door back to the theater.
So, even if you hate it, it's free... and who doesn't want their troupe to perform?
Please contact me here or at damnthemanatee@yahoo.com
Please let me know what your schedule is like, what your troupe is like, ideally, how much time you would like on stage. We can start booking pretty quickly, Saturdays especially.
I love this stage and I want to bring some improv to it.
Rock on.
Some very basic photos of the stage can be seen at: www.idvicious.com
-ChelseaThis is all I know about this; caveat actor (or rather producer).
Labels: spaces
Let's Flip It Quote
next time we have an awesome show where people are belly-laughing in the aisles and we have to hold position for five full minutes while waves of applause swell in anticipation of our next can-do-no-wrong move, let's not come up to each other and say "good show" after, nor leave comments quoting back witticisms. instead, we'll give a little nod and head to our cars and...
...save it up for...
next time we have a mediocre show (which inevitably is often the one more friends come to watch) and afterward, when we can't think of much to say, we'll gather people to lift each other onto our shoulders and parade ourselves around. we'll all gush over how hilarious we are and quote back the worst lamest lines as though they're the cleverest things we've heard all week. then we'll leave myspace glitter graphics like "You're the Best!" and "Hey, Shiny Star!" and stuff like that(from Melissa Sorrentino's MySpace bulletin posted earlier this week).
Labels: inspiration
Friday, April 06, 2007
Equity's Annual Membership Meeting April 13
You canby telephonic hookup... hear statements of candidates running for election to Council.It starts at 11 a.m. in the Bellamy Board Room at the Equity office, 5757 Wilshire Blvd., Promenade Suite One, Los Angeles, CA.